Македонски нардони носии

Mariovska Bridal Dress from the village of Staravina, Bitola Region.
The Mariovska national costume is dispersed throoighout the mountain area of Mariovo which is situated in the saddles of Nidze and Kozuf. It is distinguished for its great richness of detail which is mainly executed in wool. This dress is among the heaviest and most elaborate of Macedonian costumes. The bridal dress is especially distinctive as it weighs more than fifty »oka«, an old weight for about 1 kg. The costume is richly decorated with various ornaments and especially with fringes and embroideries in geometrical and floral patterns. All these give the costume an impressive air.
Copyright ©. George Mitrevski. e-mail:mitrevski@pelister.org
Македонски народни носии. Скопје: Етнолошки музеј, 1963