Македонски нардони носии

Mijacka Bridal Dress from the village of Galicnik, Debar Region.
The Mijacka national costume is to be found, not only inside the Mijac ethnic reagon but also it has spread outside it into other ethnic groups which include: Smilevo, Bitola Region, Papradiste and Orese, Titov Veles Region, Ehlovec, Kicevo Region and Krusevo. The chief characteristics of this costume are the rich red color and the »kinat« embroidery, i. e. drawn-thread work which is found mostly on the women's dress and there chiefly on the sleeves and the facings of the smock. This costume is also distinctive for the quantity of fringe on the entire costume and the jewelry which gives the dress a distinguished and aristocratic air. The bridal costume in particular is distinguished for its embroidery, jewelry etc.
Copyright ©. George Mitrevski. e-mail:mitrevski@pelister.org
Македонски народни носии. Скопје: Етнолошки музеј, 1963