Lesson 5, Part 4


  1. Read section 5.15 on page 215 of the Textbook. Memorize the accusaive endings of adjectives and possessives.
  2. Do Упражнение 4 on page 216 of the Textbook. Practice reading the text out loud in Russian. You may want to record the text and send the recording to the instructor to be checked for accuracy.
  3. Do Упражнение 5 on page 216 of the Textbook. Practice reading the sentences out loud.
  4. Do Упражнение 6 on page 217 of the Textbook. Practice asking and answering the questions out loud.
  5. Do Exercise Д on page 190 of the Workbook.
  6. Do Exercise ЕЕ on page 190 of the Workbook.
  7. Do Exercise ГГ on page 190 of the Workbook. Or, online Exercise 0600.
  8. Read online Tutorial 0041. Accusative case of adjectives.
  9. Read online Tutorial 0042. Accusative case of possessive adjectives.
  10. Do online Exercise 0042. Nouns and modifiers (singular and plural) in the accusative case .
  11. Do online Exercise 0012. Animate and inanimate singular nouns and modifiers in the accusative case.
  12. Do Exercise ЖЖ on page 190 of the Workbook. Or, online Exercise 0603