Lesson 1, Part 4


  1. Read and listen to the WORD STUDY on days and months on page 30 of the Textbook. Memorize the Russian words for the days of the week and for the months. Online, or Disk 1, Track 8. You may want to record the names for the months and days of the week and send the recording to the instructor to be checked for accuracy.
  2. Do Exercise 6 on page 32 of the Textbook. Online, or Disk 1, Track 8.
  3. Do Exercise 7 on page 32 of the Textbook. Online, or Disk 1, Track 8. You may want to record the dialogue and send the recording to the instructor to be checked for accuracy.
  4. Do Exercise Е on page 39 of the Workbook, or online Exercise 0378. Practice reading the items out loud in Russian.
  5. Do Exercise Ж on page 39 of the Workbook, or online Exercise 0379. Practice reading the items out loud in Russian.
  6. Do online Exercise 0388. Crossword puzzle.